Thursday, August 16, 2012


So, this whole YOLO thing, at first I thought, well of course, that's how everyone should live their life. Then I realized that some people did not have the same out look on YOLO as I do. I thought of YOLO as, "You only live once. Live modestly. Live honestly. Live openly. Live willingly. Live lovingly. Live joyously." While some people thought of it as, "You only live once. Let's get drunk tonight. Let's yell YOLO out the car window as we drive by people. Let's continue to live a life full of pride, ego, selfishness, and hatred." I googled something along the lines of "Christianity and Yolo" and came across an article written by a Catholic, and I thought it was very well written. It talked about how those who believe in the resurrection could think about YOLO, and even had some suggested hashtags to use. My favorite was #YOLOL4G which translates to "You only live once, Live for God." Today I choose to live for God. I choose to be in His word, take it to heart, and act on it. To not just read His word, but to live His word. When I googled "#YOLOL4G" It said "Did you mean "YOLO 4G" and just had a bunch of T-Mobile plans. I think that #YOLOL4G is something that us Christians relate to. I just wanted to throw it out there.

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