Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So. Things are ever changing. I believe it was India Arie that said, "The only thing constant in the world is change." Well, I have been making even more changes in my life. Many of them I won't speak of, but a few I will. I am getting baptized on July 3rd of this year! I am so excited! Elder Jordan will be baptizing me. Elder Guthrie is done with his mission this Sunday! Going back home to Arizona. I went to the LDS Church for the first time (since mountlake terrace) this Sunday. It was okay. And I went to relief society this Tuesday. So fun! All the gals in that church are awesome. I am excited to go back and continue going to that church. And so excited for my baptism! What else?...

I haven't been writing. I have been reading a lot, though. Right now I am almost done with "I'll Fly Away." It's a book of a lot of short stories written by ladies in York Prison. It is so inspiring. It is the second in the series which I didn't realize until I was already into the book, so after I'm done I'll read the first one. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone, no matter where you are in your life! I also have been reading my bible every day, and the book of mormon. All these books have been keeping me going every day.

Back to church, it was very funny to me that both Elder Jordan and several ladies at church asked me when I am going to be married. Well, maybe it is not obvious to them, but it seems obvious to me, the answer. When the love of my life proposes to me and we marry! Of course. It's not like I have a set date and things like that. I know who I want to marry, and when, but I could never tell him that or others, because how do I know that is really going to happen? We are not even dating yet. And I have much more patience now than I did in the past. I can wait until the time is right. I am only 20. I have like five or six years, hahahah :)

Well, as the days pass by, and the leaves change color, and I read and pray and praise my lord like no other, every day I am grateful, every day I am thankful, every day I am patient, I will wait. I will wait.

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