Tuesday, September 21, 2010

more dreams, & what's up

A while ago, I had a dream that one of my bosses (Steve) and me were working on some kind of secret project or something. He wanted me to shave some kind of code into his facial hair. So I did, but I don't really have experience shaving mens faces, so I kept cutting him on accident. He got angry and was bleeding. We were at a grocery outlet or some kind of outlet store. I don't remember much else.

Last night, I had a dream that I was with this guy that used to come into my job. He is really attractive, really nice. I have always had a little crush on him. I don't remember what was going on. But I remember he invited me back to his apartment and I went into his bathroom. He had a huge bath tub. I ran water for a buble bath. In the drain, there were a bunch of small round things. They were like those things that you stick onto your face that kids play with and they are rubber or something. I don't know how to explain it. There were a bunch of them, like 10 or more. Somehow I got the idea that they were pills that would mess me up, like vicodin or something along those lines. So I started popping them in twos, by colors. They were all different bright colors. I took a bunch of them. I don't remember what else happened. I remember being in a bed with him, I think. It was the bottom of a bunk bed. I don't remember being intimate with him, but I remember the feeling of it. Like we were together. I don't really remember much else.

I am tring to get and stay clean. I have 3 days today. The hard parts are just the fact that most of my friends use. Of course, I'm 20 years old. That's what kids around my age do. Another hard part is that there's nothing to do here at my mom's house, where I'm living. I'm trying to find a job out here and meetings out here and stuff to do with clean people. I need to find a church out here, too. I don't know what else to do.

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