Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's new? (Mormonism & Lucid dreaming)

After being baptised in the LDS Church and attending their Church for only 4 months, I continued to do more research and found things about the church that I highly disagree with. These are things that even most Mormons don't know. I suspect that if they found these things out, a majority of them would no longer want to be part of the LDS Church. Although the LDS Church puts good values in people, it's history is almost all lies. I won't go too into this, but if you want to research these things, go ahead. Do enough research and you will see what I'm talking about. I have not officially resigned yet, but stopped attending.

I have been reading up a little bit on Lucid Dreaming. If you don't know what Lucid Dreaming is, it is when you are awake in your dream. You realize that you are dreaming. One thing that is supposed to help you awaken in your dream is to remember your dreams and keep a dream journal. I couldn't find a pen this morning so I am going to write my dreams here.

1. I remember looking in my purse and seeing an American express card and another credit card, both in my father's name.

2. I was working at a Safeway. I was in the employee break room with a bunch of other younger girls. One of the girls, who was darker, but not black, had thick leg hair like me. She was wearing black leggings that were purposely tore on her knee and a little bit on her leg. I remember it made me feel better about myself and more comfortable that I wasn't the only girl there who didn't care about her leg hair. We were all sitting against lockers. I remember I was working the espresso stand there but only one person got something. It was a child's hot chocolate. Instead of mixing milk and chocolate, we used chocolate milk. We were out of chocolate milk in cardboard boxes, like they give you in school, so I dumped chocolate milk that was in a small aluminum can into one of the small cardboard box container things and steamed it in there, instead of in a pitcher. I remember only a tiny bit came out of the can, only enough for a small spoon full. I actually didn't put it in a cup, I put it on a spoon. Then something with whip cream. I don't remember. Then for some reason all the employees had to line up around there store and sing some sort of anthem. I was standing by refrigerated drinks or dairy or something. Then I remember going to the back again, to the employee lounge, but it looked different this time. Jay, the milkman, was bringing in our milk. Then he was hanging out with me on the couch. We were enjoying crush-floats (instead of root beer floats). I remember my mom was there and I think my sister and they were waiting for me to get off work but I was taking my time hanging out. I noticed something under/behind the couch. It was a very small new-born Chihuahua. There were several of them. I didn't want to just leave them there so I started putting them in some kind of bag, so I could take them with me. I got all of them in the bag, then went to the sink to rinse them off. They somehow were no longer puppies. They were insects now. I dumped them out and ran the water so they would go down the drain. I felt like I had some in my throat. I started coughing and spitting them out. Then I woke up.

That was all I remember from my dreams last night.

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